Sunday, November 22, 2009

Jason and the Golden Fleece

How accurately have they represented the characters from the myths you have read?

The video showed how a good leader and adventurous that Jason
is in the myth.

What events in the story of Jason and the Argonauts do you believe to be factual? Support your answer with evidence.

I believe that the were 6members in Agtonauts team including Jason.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

CURIOSITY!! summary

Main theme 'Curiosity' in these two stroies, Pandora from Greece and Orphan Boy from Africa warns us how curiosity can be dangerous or bad by showing us when Pandora opened the box and gave bad things to the whole world because of her little curiosity. In Orphan Boy, the old man was living a fine life when the boy came to him but when there was a no rain for weeks they thought they were going to die but orphan boy took old man's cows and fed them well! and also, he brought planty of water to survive. When the old man was curious, he decided to follow the boy when he was told not to. As the old man's eye and boy's eyes met, their trust was destroyed and the boy left old man forever. In this story because curiosity, the old man lost everything even the trust.

Monday, September 14, 2009

My Name...林炫遇, Lim HyunWoo, 임현우

My name is really hard to pronounce for foreigners. Not because it's Korean, it is harder than most of other Korean names. When Korean parents name their child, they usually usr Chinese character to have meaningful name. My name, 'Lim HyunWoo' also has meaning in each word. My family name, 'Lim' 林 means Forest, 'Hyun' 炫 means Bright and Active and because of 'Hyun' I think that's why I'm so energetic all the time... Lastly, 'Woo' 遇 means Meet (like you 'meet' your friend).
I'm not sure about my family name's back ground story but I think it is really important and interesting... If my first name is combined, which is 'HyunWoo' it means that you will make a lot of friends because you are bright or will make friends very fast. My parent chose 'Lim HyunWoo' becasue before I was born, there was this singer who was really famous and had same name, 'Kim HyunWoo' and my dad and mom really liked him so they named me the same name. 5 years after I was born, there was this new magician name, 'Lee HyunWoo' who became really popular and famous magician in Korea. When I entered Elementary school, my friends liked me because they liked magician 'Lee HyunWoo' and asking me if I can do magic. At that time, I got interested in magic so I attended magic school for 2 years. There was also some issues with my name.... when I came here, Malaysia, my name was hard to pronounce and eventhough when people or my friends got use to my name, they call me 'Hyu Noo' on purpose, and even today my friends sometimes call me 'Hyun Noob'... Anyways... I LOVE MY NAME!!!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

To Grade 7!

Hi! My name is HyunWoo Lim and I'm from Korea (South)!!

1. What piece of work and learning are you most proud? Explain. The last Giver Project because, I knew what I was doing and got good grade

2. What were your greatest challenges? Explain. My greatest challenge was when I forgot to study for the test and got a bad grade.

3. Reflecting on your growth this year, what did you learn about yourself as a learner? I improved on organizing by cleaning my locker well and I learned

4. To evaluate your work habits, choose 1 of the following from each category ( and provide explanations):

a) Behavior

Explanation: Just Okay...

b) Participation

Explanation: Sometimes, I don't participate much

c) Organization
I'm super organized

d) Effort
Needs serious help (Not serious, just a lot :) ha ha...

5. Based upon your reflections, write two personal learning goals for Grade 7 next year.

Goal 1 - In Grade 7, I plan to Put more or a lot of effort on my work.

Goal 2 - In Grade 7, I plan to Not talk with my friends in class much.

6.Is there any more information about yourself that you would like the teachers to know? umm...
Sometimes, not focused.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Go Green! (Earth Hour)

I think the Earth Hour is really good idea because Earth Hour helps a bit with our energy crisis however, I don't think everyone was involved in this Earth Hour, switching off all the electric so I think we (People) should try to go a whole day with out a light. (But Impossible)
To make a difference, we should try to use LESS electric items because it will definitely help our planet, Earth. The time when KLCC turned all the light off, was so awesome. (picture above)
But not only to save electric, we can use less gas and stopping the smoke coming from the factories and cars to save the Earth!

Save Energy, and save our planet!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Spring Break Reflection

My spring break was boring as I thought it would be but I enjoyed it anyway. During the break, my dad was planning to go to F1 which is held in Malaysia on next Sunday however,dad told me when he told the guy who sells the ticket that his going with his son, that guy said children can't watch F1! I was really mad to hear that but what can I do? Only I can do was watching F1 on TV...

The next day, I woke up at 8am as usual and washed myself in my bathroom. After I had my breakfast, I went up and turned on the computer. I went to my private folder and clicked 'Simpsons' file and then, I saw some 'Simpsons' video that Aaron(Woo Jin) gave me. I watched it for about 1 and a half or 2 hours.
When I went down to the living room, I saw all my family accept me, was watching Astro channel 303 which was Korean Program and the TV program that was showing was my favorite Korean show. By the time I got to the sofa, it was finished already. Although I was pretty mad, on the other hands I was happy because my second favorite TV show was coming up. Unluckily, my dad said, "Let's go out for our lunch, shall we?" and then I shouted "NOOOOO~!~!~!"

We went to noodle restaurant and had a fine lunch however I was mad because I missed my two favorite TV show. When we came back, I rested a bit and quickly walked towards my bathroom to take a shower of course.
After that, again, went upstairs and turned on the computer and also MSN. I was suprise to see Joonatan logged in because I thought he went on a trip. While we were chatting, he suddenly started talking about hack! I asked, "How do you how to hack?" "Umm... I seareched in the internet...?" he replied by saying very simple answer. I asked if he can teach me some easy tricks on windows computer. I tried it was totally COOL!
We didn't have awesome dinner but it okay. We ate Gal Be Gim at a restaurant called 'Bon Juk'

Second day of our spring break was same. I got bored when I got up out of the bed and just hanging around my house so I went upstair and watched rest of simpsons again.

Monday, March 23, 2009


Hi, I'm the owner of this blog and I'm going to talk about Malaysia Week that I went to a week a go for 5 days. MW(Malaysia Week) was so cool! The bus ride for my site, Pulau Besar was 6 hours and almost 2 hours to get to Camp Castaway on a boat.
When I first got there, I thought my site was really hard but is was not so hard after 5 days had passed. They(teachers) gave a plenty food for our group and others and we even had a lot of left over food because the amount of food were a lot than I thought.
I really enjoyed Malaysia Week and I really enjoyed my site, Pulau Besar. During MW, I meet a lot of people and some 7 and 8th grader and got really close too!
I really like MW because it is chance to meet new friends, get together and you can learn a lot from MW.

P.S: My opinion on Pulau Besar: "It's not hard as you think"

Thursday, March 12, 2009

About me in KL I'm living in.

Hello, My name is Hyun Woo Lim. I'm 12 years old in Malaysia and from Korea. I'm now living in the capital of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur. I came here when I was grade 3 (3years ago) now I am in grade 6. The picture above, is called KLCC which is company, shopping mall and also a tour site in KL(Kuala Lumpur) and it is 88stories. In the middle, in 44stories, it has a bridge between two towers. Under KLCC picture, there is a tower called KL Tower (Kuala Lumpur Tower).
I will now talk little bit about me. I go to international school, ISKL middle school (International School of Kuala Lumpur). In my opinion, I think ISKL is awesome. All student have freedom and fun together in each classes. There is different people from different culture.
I really enjoy going to ISKL and living in Malaysia. I ride bus to go to ISKL and it takes almost about 40minues and come back home 40minutes after school.


Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Chinese New Year!

Chinese New Year holiday is finished. I didn't enjoy my holiday that much but I think I was pretty okay to me... There were nothing special on my new year.

In Korea, Koreans whole family gather together and meet in new year, and the young people bow to elder and elder bow to eldest. For kids, when we bow to my parents or grand parents, we get mony or should I say they give us money for new year and we put our money in a pocket which is called luck(lucky) pocket in Korea and it looks like this on the right.

And sometimes on the luck pocket, it say LUCK in Chinese so if

you put money in, it will protect you money and will not lose the money or or if you put money in it, you will be luck in you rest of you year or something...(I'm not sure)
and the LUCK in Chinese is like this

Sunday, January 11, 2009


My new year resolutions are...

1. Get better grade.
2. Try to learn something new.
3. Get rich (Save until I make RM500 or RM1000.
4. Trying to put more effort in my work and work hard.
5. My last resolution is doing what I wrote above.

I think everyone does apply on my 5th resolution because if you are not going to follow what you wrote for resolution, that's not resolution.